Dear Black Boy It's Okay To Cry
Author Ebony Lewis
Rooted MKE was so fortunate to host a live in person event with Ebony! We’ve got signed copies of her debut title. Ebony hopes that Dear Black Boy: It’s Ok to Cry will serve as a part of the necessary conversations around the world about mental health, especially when it comes to the African American community. She wrote this book not just for boys but for parents, community leaders, youth, everyone from all backgrounds to find the strength and courage to live free and feel comfortable embracing emotions and seeking help when needed.
Author Ebony Lewis
Rooted MKE was so fortunate to host a live in person event with Ebony! We’ve got signed copies of her debut title. Ebony hopes that Dear Black Boy: It’s Ok to Cry will serve as a part of the necessary conversations around the world about mental health, especially when it comes to the African American community. She wrote this book not just for boys but for parents, community leaders, youth, everyone from all backgrounds to find the strength and courage to live free and feel comfortable embracing emotions and seeking help when needed.
Author Ebony Lewis
Rooted MKE was so fortunate to host a live in person event with Ebony! We’ve got signed copies of her debut title. Ebony hopes that Dear Black Boy: It’s Ok to Cry will serve as a part of the necessary conversations around the world about mental health, especially when it comes to the African American community. She wrote this book not just for boys but for parents, community leaders, youth, everyone from all backgrounds to find the strength and courage to live free and feel comfortable embracing emotions and seeking help when needed.
African-American Writing, Children’s Book, Mental Health